Category: Blog

trade metals

Metex Exchange | A New and More Stable Way to Trade in Precious Metals Globally

Even though there are ways to exchange metals over the web, there is nothing more transparent, robust, secure, and immutable than doing the same over a blockchain ledger. Within the purview of blockchain technology, precious metals can now be tokenized and this digitization brings with it many benefits for online users. The Metex Exchange, while…
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XChainZ educational platform

XChainZ – A Blockchain-based Educational Platform with a Rewarding XCZ Mechanism

Decentralized blockchain technology has been popularized over the last decade with the rapid growth of the FinTech sector. However, apart from just FinTech, blockchain technology finds its use-cases in a myriad of other applications. The transparent, tamper-proof, and secure feature of blockchain technology has been the key driver of its use in multiple industries. One…
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MegaCryptoPolis – Ethereum-Based Decentralized City Builder Introducing DeFi Functionality With $MEGA Token

Decentralized projects have gone to a whole new level over the last few years with blockchain-based decentralized applications (DApps) becoming more robust and user intuitive. DApps give blockchain developers the freedom to curate interesting strategy games with global players interacting with each other in a peer-to-peer manner. Furthermore, the decentralized smart contracts add a new…
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time lock

Martkist Digital Staking Platform now has a Time-Lock Feature

Martkist’s approach to bringing maximum benefits to the DeFi and cryptocurrency community is moving ahead. In the previous weeks, Martkist developed a dedicated staking platform for WMARTK to help users get exclusive access to the staking functions and get the maximum benefit. These are tough times, and the institutional plus solo investors are always on…
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E2X Dapps platform

E2X – An Ethereum-based DApp to Bring Crypto Use to The Mainstream and Earn Staking Rewards

The decentralized blockchain technology has revolutionized the payments industry by offering a more transparent, faster, and cost-effective payments network in comparison to the traditional baking system. While blockchain and cryptocurrencies have streamlined global payments to a great extent, their penetration in trade and commerce isn’t much pronounced. When it comes to using cryptocurrencies for daily…
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HYVE – Catering to the Demands of the Fast Growing Gig Economy Using Power of Decentralization

Over the last few years, gig economy has seen accelerated growth and is a $100 billion industry with many businesses going digital thereby creating more online earning opportunities. As per the research estimate, freelancing and gig working economy will be a $350 billion market by 2023. The Coronavirus pandemic has further boosted the gig working…
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UnityDAO Presents Obelix, A DeFi Hedge Fund for Generating Passive Income

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) applications are making massive inroads in the financial world by offering some interesting use-cases catering to the future goals of the financial market. With the growing trend of decentralized hedge funds, UnityDAO has arrived with an interesting value proposition with its own DeFi hedge Fund, Obelix, named after the popular French comic…
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YRise Finance

YRise Finance | Enhancing the Power of DeFi-helmed Staking, Farming, Fixed-Rate Savings and Gaming

Taking one step further, yRISE Finance brings the next level of Decentralized Finance abilities to the community, as it enables users to stake, yield farm, and leverage the DeFi system to invest in fixed-rate savings and other portfolios of DeFi assets and use cases such as gaming. Its platform is one of the most user-friendly…
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CopyCAT- An Opportunity for All Traders to Become Leaders

The new doors for investment and profits are open with CopyCat to analyze leaders’ moves and tactics in the trading industry. Now everyone can come and populate the leaderboard and get access to live data of the strategies and market indicators. How to get started with CopyCAT? Land on the Registration page and go through…
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Mining ZCash

Mining Zcash | Ensuring Completely Private & Secure Transactions with zk-SNARK

Cryptocurrency miners are always on the lookout for privacy and an ability to automate things. Mining Zcash takes care of the privacy part and adds accessibility to the mix with the cloud mining operation. The miners will be able to set up the mining algorithms that boast valid financial transactions and do not disclose any…
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