Neutron [OLD]

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Neutron Coin

Self Funded PoS Cryptocurrency With a Decentralized Education Platform Accelerating The World’s Learning Rate While Paying Interest


Neutron is a crypto-based decentralized learning platform where professional grade education & certification is available for everyone. The platform is integrated with easy to use drag & drop premium course builder. Youtube videos, ebooks, courses and articles – offering quality content will be added to this platform.

Teachers on this platform will receive payments in their Neutron wallet, which will earn them interest every day, helping them focus only on teaching. This way the project will support quality content and teachers.

Neutron platform offers bounties by sharing or uploading good content.

Neutron coin has its own network with more than 300 Masternodes on September 2018. In order to run masternode one needs 25 000 NTRN (Neutron coins). ROI is around 49% on September 17, 2018, that is based on actual data over the past 24 hours.

Crypto education platform

Until September 2018 the project has developed several versions of the platform. Recent one consists of a free content section and library. There will be membership with small monthly payment at some point of development.

In order to make secure and fast payments, soon there will be Ledger integration and mobile wallet.

In future Neutron platform plans to cooperate with other educational projects and companies to bring more use and value to this project, as well as more options for educational content. The project aims to become the first remote, completely decentralized, blockchain based cryptocurrency university in the world.

There is also a plan for the platform’s gamification to enhance the user experience and retention during the learning experience.


Coin specifications

Ticker: NTRN

Info: Fair launch, No premine, No IPO/ICO

Coinbase maturity: 90 blocks

PoW generated: 1 000 000 coins

Technical specifications

Algorithm: SHA256d

RPC Port: 32000 P2P

Port: 32001

Block time; 79 sec

PoS kicked in at block 500

PoS coin maturity: 5h (hiPoS)


Team of the project

Thomas Dowdy – project manager & developer

Thomas Posey – support & developer

Elon Villarreal – lead developer

Rick Caceres – marketing director

Jason Hickson – marketing & support

Theron Rodriguez – general manager

Advisors and partners: Matthew Beasley, Carl Anthony, Nik Patel





Linux Ubuntu:


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Guide to setup MN

Here is set up guide on how to start your masternode.

Watch the video below to know more details about the project and its features.


Neutron Coin Educational Platform

Setting up staking wallet