BitLaunch Now Allows Users Access Cloud Hosting Solutions Using Cryptocurrency

BitLaunch, a popular VPS hosting solution provider recently made it known that it now accepts payment using Bitcoin and ten other cryptocurrencies for hosting accounts on three cloud hosting providers— DigitalOcean, Vultr
BitLaunch Account Users Can Access Three Cloud Hosting Service Provider
Every BitLaunch account holder can now pay for cloud hosting packages on Digital Ocean, Vultr or Linode using cryptocurrency. As a result of this, users don’t need to have an account on any of these platforms before they can access the services offered on them. Therefore, the identity of users on the hosting platform is fully private and completely hidden from both the general public as well as the hosting provider. For cloud hosting providers as big as DigitalOcean, a lot of verifications process is required before accounts can be registered on the platform. Also, users from countries which are otherwise restricted from accessing one of the platforms listed— DigitalOcean can now do so without the fear of getting caught.
Jack Phillips, BitLaunch COO made some statements as regards the latest development.
He stated that:
“We’re excited to be in the position to help so many affiliate marketers gain access to popular cloud computing services, which are directly unavailable to countless people, “
“We’re also proud to support decentralized payments, removing the potential for transaction failure and service outage,” Jack explained.
BitLaunch is Also Offering VPN Service
BitLaunch which is also into the creation and sales of VPN (Virtual Private Network) is keen on advancing any
The VPN services provided by BitLaunch is used mostly by people facing some sort of restriction and are looking to surf the internet appearing as another person, preferably from another side of the world. Once activated an anonymous VPN can allow you to appear from any geographic location you choose.