Recent Updates and News From Vidulum App

Recent Updates and News From Vidulum App

Vidulum App

Vidulum App is a web-based wallet with support for many crypto assets. The Vidulum App gives crypto users full ownership of their crypto as a non-custodial multi-asset wallet.

Users of the Vidulum App have full control of the private keys. To achieve this, the project creates private keys on the client-side and the keys are never sent back to Vidulum App’s servers. The application also features V-staking and masternode monitoring. V staking is designed as a reward system, where users are paid to hold on to their crypto within the Vidulum app.

In short, the Vidulum app allows users to take control of their private keys and access them from any location. Here are some latest updates around the project.

Launch of V-Tip Bot

On July 18, 2020, the Vidulum team announced the launch of V-tip bot for the Vidulum and the crypto community in general. This is the first-ever non-custodial tip bot that anyone can invite into their discord server. All that one needs is a Vidulum account and some crypto inside the account.

The V-tip bot can be enabled in the settings page of the Vidulum app wallet. Once inside the page, users can follow the on-screen prompts and start tipping crypto. The Vidulum team is open to feedback on this latest development.

Once users click to activate the V-tip bot, they will be redirected to Discord, where the bot has to be authorized. With the bot, one can easily tip other users using crypto. For instance, if someone provides useful information about the Vidulum app, or in any discord, it is possible to tip them in crypto. Crypto will be sent directly to their respective Vidulum wallet.

The bot makes it possible to tip others while ensuring that one has full control of his private keys. The tips can be sent in RITO, DGB, VDL, ETH, BTC, XSG, VRSC, BAT, LRC, ZER, SAFE, KMD, GRS, BTCZ, ZEN, BCH, ZEL, ILC, XZC, DOGE, BZE, GNT, LINK, ENJ, and many others. The Vidulum app V-tip bot ensures that tipping the community is easier and safer than ever.

Crypto Giveaway Contest

On July 10, 2020, the Vidulum team announced a crypto giveaway of 1000 $VDL coins to one lucky winner. The rules were quite simple. All one had to do was – like the tweet, follow the Vidulum account on Twitter, and tweet an image of their BBQ with #CryptoCookOff. The goal of this contest was to spread the word about the Vidulum app online. This contest closed and a winner was announced on July 20, 2020. There will be many more opportunities to get VDL coin through twitter contests, and you can follow their handle, @VidulumApp to stay up to date.

iOS Support for the Vidulum App

The Vidulum app has been previously available to Android users of the Vidulum ecosystem. However, that changed on July 30, 2020, as the team announced the launch of the Vidulum iOS App. This app has the same functionality as the Android app and the Vidulum website. iOS users will now be able to access their crypto assets directly from their phones.

Besides adding iOS support, the Vidulum team also added support for several coins. These coins are $ZRX, $ENJ, $LRC, $GNT, and $LINK on June 27, 2020. On July 6, 2020, the team announced support for DigiByte.

The addition of DigiByte is an important milestone, as the project positions itself for major success with the growth and expansion in the decentralized finance sector. DigiByte is an open-sourced blockchain that incorporates smart contracts, DApps, and customized tokens. With the growth of use cases, people will look for a safe and efficient way to store and send their DigitByte coins. Vidulum offers the perfect solution for that.

Staking Vs Masternode

Vidulum users can earn a passive income through staking or by setting up a masternode. However, one will need at least 15,000 VDL to run a masternode.

The Vidulum team recently created a simple guide on how to set up a masternode using the Pecunia Platform. The cost of masternode hosting on Pecunia is only .99 cents a month. To get started, users need the Vidulum desktop wallet, called the control wallet, with at least 15,000 VDL coins that serve as collateral. The coins can be mined or purchased at an exchange. However, they will have to be sent in a single transaction to the wallet that supports masternode. 

Active Social Media Team

Vidulum App has been growing steadily and the team plans to accomplish more in the days to come. The team has been busy and active on numerous social media platforms informing the community about development of the project.

The team has also created a secured wallet with numerous features for mass adoption.

Users can access the Vidulum app on multiple platforms. This ensures that no one is bound to any particular type of device. Besides that, the Vidulum platform allows users to earn passive income for HODLing.

It is possible to follow Vidulum on various social media platforms to keep updated with project growth and development.