Traditional Finances Meet Blockchain in FinTech Conference Dublin

Traditional Finances Meet Blockchain in FinTech Conference Dublin

Fintech finance and blockchain conference

The traditional financial word is significantly catching up with the blockchain trend. This is quite evident in the fact that most top ranking banking institutions which represent the bulk of the traditional finance network are making a move into blockchain technology.

The blockchain’s ability to create a non-refutable and unbreakable record of data has been greatly explored by banks. The fact that the blockchain is also capable of creating and processing transactions in a secured, and transparent form as well as creating a reliable digital record further drives the financial industry towards it.

The use of the blockchain by financial institutions is spanning across the world. Developing countries like Kenya, India, Ethiopia, etc and top world powers like the USA, France, Japan adopting blockchain into their various financial systems. As a result of this, It has become clear that blockchain technology is no longer in its early stages.

Other Financial Institution Adoption Blockchain Technology

Banks are also not the only traditional financial institutions exploring the use case of blockchain technology. Top financial trading platforms are also exploiting the reliable record keeping function of the blockchain.

A good example of this use case can be drawn from NASDAQ who is using blockchain for its private market.

Although this is more of a pre-IPO marketplace, and fewer trades occurs here, it still serves as a perfect testing ground for blockchain implementation by the trading exchange.

In order to fully explore and also share various development that connects DLT and blockchain technology, a regular conference tagged “Blockchain for Finance Conference” get hosted by top financial institutions.

The Blockchain for Finance Conference

For the first time ever, the Fintech Network will be serving as host of the 3rd Blockchain for Finance Conference. However, the FinTech Network will be hosting the conference alongside Deloitte, Arthur Cox, Barclays, Enterprise Ireland, and IDA.

The Blockchain for Finance conference is going to take place between October 2nd – 4th, 2018, in Dublin, Ireland, and it is expected to feature about 350 tech and finance professionals who will be speaking on future roles blockchain will be playing in financial services.

According to the Fintech official press release, attendees should look forward to:
50+ speakers from industry leading finance and tech companies including ING, Microsoft, State Street, RBS, R3, KBC, Digital Asset, Credit Agricole and more.
• A Technology Showcase Hall with over 20 exhibitors showcasing the latest blockchain applications to prepare your business for implementation