Oduwa Coin [OLD]

Oduwa Coin

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Oduwa Coin

The Future Of Settlement Is Here

Oduwa coin is digital cash that is global decentralized cryptocurrency, there is no centralized physical office designated. It uses peer to peer technology to settle all its transactions within the network. Oduwa coin is a free open source project derived from collaborative blockchain technology with the goal of providing a long-term energy-efficient Scrypt based cryptocurrency. Built on the foundation of Hybrid Blockchain POW/POS, innovations such as proof-of stake help further advance the field of crypto-currency. Oduwa coin is boosting nearly no-cost transaction fees for all its users and creating future asset protection solution against trade volatility. This coin is a cryptocurrency that is meant for payments, trading and crowdfunding.

Oduwa allows cryptocurrency holders and participants to share the associated investment risks. An investor can sign up and choose packages according to the value they want to insure. The protection terms include information about the asset type, duration, risk level and other parameters. All trade events are monitored, and corresponding data is fed into the smart contract by an oracle. Each insurance smart contract will have one or more oracles associated with it.

Oduwa wallet will act as a gateway for most cryptocurrencies on the market today. Upon making payment, a smart contract linked to the policy will be generated. The smart contract will include all insurance conditions and claim information within the previously laid out insurance terms. In the case of a claim, the policyholder will be issued payouts in agreement with the terms of his policy.

Project only charge fees from the appreciated asset, making it risk-free to invest in any crypto coin, insurance chooses to indemnify. In return, buyers are given peace of mind to purchase project’s selected choice of coins with no fear of losing their money or assets for an agreed term depending on the tiers selected. It can varie from 90 days to 180 days. Oduwa project makes its profits from the appreciation of coins deposited in its system and then turn around and lend it to platform’s users in areas where banking or lending is difficult. This project has no competition. Oduwa project only insure cryptocurrency that has a market cap of over 5 Billion USD, which implies those coins are trading very well and running on their blockchain.

Read more about Oduwa – CS Article CS Interview

Oduwa insurance

ODUWA COIN is a Nextgen cryptocurrency that offers indemnity and insurance against the volatility of the cryptocurrencies listed on the platform. This is achieved by combining Blockchain technology and insurance to give investors a way to insure themselves from losses in the cryptocurrency market.

The financial experts behind ODUWA understand investors’ concerns that investing in cryptocurrency is an enterprise with high risk considering its digital nature that is always prone to hackers, volatility and high uncertainty within the coin market. ODUWA aims to counter these problems through an intelligent solution, which involves selecting coins to insure, keeping a proportional reserve to the invested amount, and automated smart contracts.


Experienced traders can analyze the markets and minimize their losses, but most conventional traders cannot prevent these losses. The Oduwa team noticed the problem and decided to develop a solution within its blockchain called OduwaEx (Oduwa Exchange). OduwaEx is a Nextgen cryptocurrency Exchange Platform designed to mitigate risk and act as an extra layer of protection for crypto traders against volatility for a contractual period. Oduwa aims to reduce volatility in the cryptocurrency market while ensuring peace of mind for users that trade on the OduwaEx platform.

Oduwa Asset Protection is the first blockchain-based Trading Platform solution that will minimize risk against devaluation for its users when trading selected cryptocurrencies on our insured list on Oduwa Exchange. This is done by deploying smart contracts at the time of purchase of the crypto asset to provide a stop loss and take gain for a specified period. The list of insured assets is selected by our experts and machine learning algorithms to help give participants an option of the best cryptocurrencies they can buy at a certain period. The listed cryptocurrencies have the lowest risk.

Oduwa encrypt

Electronic communication is now a mainstay with most people using digital methods to
communicate. However, such communication channels are not secure. Hackers and phishers can access information from unsuspecting users. Oduwa will combine the most promising technologies and markets in telecommunications.

The Beta test of our core software will start in 2020. The Oduwa encrypt application will
ultimately be a multi-platform solution that enables users to connect and make VoIP calls using any device (desktop or Android SIP, Zoiper, 3CXPhone, X-Lite and more), and gain access to their PBX via popular messaging apps such as Telegram and Facebook Messenger. The idea for Oduwa’s encryption is rooted in the development team’s partnership with telecommunications companies.

Features of Oduwa coin

Aside from the Oduwa Asset Protection, Oduwa Exchange and Oduwa Encrypt, other features like Oduwa Crypto Play & Win would make participants interested in the platform.

Decentralization of the Oduwa blockchain
Oduwa coin uses a Blockchain database that is not controlled by one party. This allows for digital information to be distributed but not copied. It has no single point of failure. All transactions are recorded live, are transparent, and are spread across multiple servers.

P2P platform
Oduwa coin is a fully decentralized peer to peer cryptocurrency designed to work as a unit of exchange without relying on a centralized authority such as a bank or government. It uses the open protocol to facilitate secure payment transactions.

Anonymity and security
Based on Hybrid Blockchain and Oduwa Blockchain, Oduwa coin is one of the most secure cryptocurrencies. Being a peer to peer mode of payment, you will not have to worry about a third party getting any information or your data. All your data is encrypted, and your digital assets are reserved in a wallet only you can access with your encrypted password.

Privacy and confidentiality
Keeping your transaction details confidential and your privacy was a dream. With Oduwa coin, that dream has become a reality, and now the users can enjoy the advantages of using a public blockchain while still being sure that their private information is protected.

Easy transfer of money and anonymity of transactions
You can easily send Oduwa coin anywhere in the world in seconds if the recipient is online. All transactions are recorded and displayed in the blockchain. Although you can set your identity anonymous, all your transactions are still able to be monitored via Oduwa coin blockchain explorer.

Encrypted wallet
Oduwa coin Network would come embedded/integrated with a digital wallet having encryption available. This would allow you to secure your wallet and enable you to view all of your transactions and your account balance right at your fingertips. The encrypted wallet will also provide protection from wallet-stealing viruses and trojans.

Portability using integrated mobile software
Oduwa coin is designed to be portable. With the current major currencies, it is difficult to carry around large amounts of money. Cash amounting to millions is risky to carry for several reasons, which is why crypto-currency participants prefer it to other currencies. With Oduwa coin you can easily carry around a million dollars’ worth of Oduwa coin right in your mobile apps that take a few megabytes of memory only.

Coin specifications

Coin Name: Oduwa Coin
Ticker: OWC
Algorithm: Scrypt
Type: minable PoW/PoS
Block reward: 10
Collateral: 2000, No Max PoS Coin
Premine: 14 700 000
MAX-Supply: 21 000 000
Stake Min Age: 8 hours
Stake Max Age: unlimited
Target spacing: 60 seconds
Maturity: 20 blocks
Trans confirm: 3 block
PoS percentage: 1% per year


4st Quarter 2017
Conceptual Ecosystem completed
  • Start of the Oduwa platform development
  • Completion of the inner software prototype
1st Quarter 2018
Oduwa OWC prototype done
  • Oduwa 1st SALES
  • Oduwa 2nd SALES
  • Oduwa 3rd SALES
2nd Quarter 2018
  • Main net – Private Blockchain
  • Start of Oduwa OWC testing
  • Start of Zephyr update development
  • Oduwa Coin Ecosystem
3rdst Quarter 2018
  • Oduwa OWC Stable release
  • Zephyr update testing start
  • Oduwa OWC with Zephyr released -Open Blockchain
  • Mining integration PoS
4th Quarter 2018
  • Oduwa OWC mobile application done
  • Oduwa coin Listing
  • OWC Financial Inclusion

What is Oduwa Coin – video below

How to create a wallet to buy Oduwa Coin – video below

Oduwa project is verified by Confident Coins project